NOTE: This is only about the basic command line renderer. The integration with external render farms is described in this other document

In Mistika, whenever you execute the Render->Add to Queue or Render->StartRender functions   a Mistika render job  is always saved into a text file (with  .rnd extension ), in the DATA/RENDER/RenderName folder of your project.  

If you use the Foreground or Background modes the Mistika renderer will be also be executed immediately afterwards.  But if you only want to produce the .rnd job for later you can use the WriteScrtipOnly or the Add to Queue buttons. 

Note: In the particular case of the Add to queue button also permits to send the rnd files to external render farms or user scripts.  

Once created, the .rnd  jobs can also be rendered with the  "mistika -r" command line, as follows.

Command line syntax:


    "C:\>Program Files\SGO Apps\Mistika Boutique\bin\mistika.exe"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 

(Note: As usual on Windows, the .exe extension is optional)


    "/Applications/SGO Apps/Mistika"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 



    "$HOME/SGO Apps/Mistika Ultima/bin/mistika"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 

The following is a real render example on Windows, with all the  necessary paths in place:

 "C:\>Program Files\SGO Apps\Mistika Boutique\bin\mistika.exe\" -r "C:\My Projects\MyProject\DATA\RENDER\testrender\testrender_0000.rnd" -s 200 -e 300

Note: The parameters -s and -e define the start and end frames and they are optional (the whole clip is rendered if not included). But they are only meaningful when rendering to enumerated sequence formats  (dpx, tiff, jpg, exr, j2k ..).  This is because movie formats (.mov, .avi...) can not be rendered by parts, so in that cases Mistika will always render the whole clip.  

The start / end parameters need to be passed in absolute frames, even if the Timecode options that were selected in Mistika during the rnd creation will produce different numbers in the rendered filenames later.  

Example:  Let's say that your Timeline is currently at 25 fps speed, and you have a clip with Timecode starting at 1:00 (1sg).  If you want to render the whole clip you would need to pass these parameters:

-s 0 -e 24


And it is the renderer who will produce the proper file numbering corresponding to the specified timecodes at render time. In this example:  name.000025.dpx .. name.0049.dpx  

(Note: obviously this example is equivalent to not passing any start end parameters at all , but it was just to illustrate what they mean)

For more advanced usage, please read the said document about Integration with external render farms