When you conform an edition you may want to apply your effects and then render the results with the same names and timecodes as the soruce clips, in order to re-conform the same timeline in other application later (round trip conform). This procedure describes the typical render process for these cases:

What this action does is just to select a path syntax preset for the rendered media that uses the TapeName to name the rendered media. You can also modify the path syntax directly (by selecting "Target->UserDefined") , although normally you may prefer to use the mConfig->FilePaths->PathBuilder to create a new syntax preset to remember it for future usage (the new path presets will be added to the list in the next mistika session).
In this particular example, an important field of that syntax is the "segmentIndex" field, because it will add some extra characters in the file name of each shot that you may want to avoid (it will add the timeline index of each shot to each filename). If you want to avoid this extra index you could delete the [_segmentIndex] field. Example:
Default syntax:
Modified syntax
But please note that there is an important reason why the segmentIndex was there by default: If you have segments in the Timeline that are made of different parts of the same media file, creating paths without the segmentIndex field will produce exactly the same media path for all of them, with each new rendered clip overwriting the previous instance.
If you are in that case, a much better option is to move the SegmentIndex to an intermediate folder of the path, where it can still prevent overwriting clips without messing around with the filename. For example:
Or whatever suites your particular needs.
Replicating the original folder tree on render destination
The render syntax provides a [parentFolder#] field for this purpose, which is also available in the PathBuilder. The # must be the number of upper level that you want to insert there (so you need to insert fields like [parentFolder1] , [parentFolder2], ...) . Example:
Selecting this syntax in the PathBuilder:
Will create file structures like this at render time (example rendering to mov ProRes):
Original clip: /Vol1//MyCameraSources/LocationA/SceneB/MyMediaClip.mp4
Rendered clip: /mnt/render/deliveryDisk/LocationA/SceneB/MyMediaClip_66.mov
That example is supposing our clip appears in position 66 of the timeline. Please note that we added the segmentIndex to avoid the risks explained above. In this example, if you don't add the segmentIndex you will get just the original filename with the new extension (MyMediaClip.mov ), which means that If you have used parts of a same source clip in two or more points of the timeline then they will overwrite each other at render time.