Important notes:
This is a live compilation of Mistika Ultima and Mistika Boutique tutorials found on Internet, organised by categories like in a user manual.
Please note that many of these tutorials were not created (and neither maintained) by SGO but by independent users. Please report if you find broken links, and also if you find other interesting tutorials not mentioned in here.
Some tutorials are made with older versions, they are still considered very useful but may miss some changes compared with latest versions. When those changes are significant those links are prefix with an orange label to warn about this: **
All the followintg tutorials are in English language, except when said in contrary.
Introduction (crash courses)
English language: Masterclass: Mistika Boutique Fundamentals
Spanish language - Cursos en español: Cursos de iniciación a Mistika Boutique (ColorDoctor)
Mistika Configuration and project settings
Downloading and installing the educational version
License activation - Automatic licensing on login
License activation - Traditional activation method
Mistika user login ( creating different users with customized hotkeys for each one)
Current settings information in the Mistika interface
(Note: some parameters in this video have been recently automated and will not appear in current versions)
How to setup Mistika to work in a other computer in a different location
How to activate DVO plugins in Mistika
Note: Diagrams about the folder structures of Mistika software and Mistika Projects mentioned in the above tutorials are available here
File Browser, mass import and media management
File browser and source monitor
Mass import (import multiple clips, .lnk files, clipnames and media folders structure)
Replicating an original media folder tree inside the Mistika project
Working with enumerated sequences
Batch import of single image Vs enumerated sequences
How to organise your media under sub-folders of the DATA folder of the project
How to configure or disable Timeline autosave
Online Editing and Timeline panel
Timeline & Edit panels
Timeline navigation (scrolling with right mouse button, play head, temporal axis locking, center monitor, zoom levels)
Media clips (view modes, clip icons and icon strips, scrubbing, audio break, active frame)
Autoexpand (automatic stack expansion when inserting new FX nodes or ungrouping)
Frame numbers Vs Timecode visualization
Flow monitor (Visual clues about effect stack hierarchy)
Cutting clips (Split at active frame, Split at play head),
Global razor (Editing a whole stack of effects)
Clip parameters. Internal framing and color space parameters. Explained at [03:35..06:00] in this video
Clip attributes (clip metadata, clip timecodes, trimming head & tail, join adjacent clips)
Editing Timecodes in the Attributes panel
Trimming by dragging the clip active frame. Freeze Head / Freeze tail. Clone function.
How to snap clips together (Pack left / Rigth)
Using the calculator in combination with the editing functions, and direct math on the TC field.
Remove Time. how to extract part of the timeline while contracting the gap)
Removing empty space from the Timline (Remove time)
How to colapse ransitions into a single track
Lock, Hide, Mute, and Bypass functions
Split conform macro. (Propagate all cuts found on any track to the whole stacks)
Controlling the effects on trimming on parameter animations (Animation Extend / Animation stretch )
Fast comparison of clip durations with edit & play marks
Gestual controls (Scribe). A full explanation is available in this webinar from 9'25" to 31'50" time. In addition, a diagram with all the supported gestures is a here.
Audio controls in the Timeline
How to break or combine audio and video tracks
Cross fades and transitions
Fade Up effect. Controlling the effect duration.
Transitions between clips located in two tracks
Transitions between clips in the same track.
Fade from color. Easy In / Out ( moothing tangents)
Editing workflows with the Source Monitor
Editing with the Source monitor (Filtering, 3 point edit, Paste on Top)
Using the source monitor as a clipboard
Global copy and insert with edit marks and the source monitor
Conform workflows
XML conform (Example using an XML from Adobe Premiere)
Timewarps & Retiming. How to adapt clips to project's FPS
Advanced conform and timeline organization example for complex project (Masterclass)
Notes and Markers
Mistika Effects and the Visual Editor
Preliminar note: The Visual Editor interface has been redesigned in version 10, but some of the tutorials below were made with previous versions. Their content is still usefull as the functionality is very similar, but if you don't find a particular widget in the new layout you can find all the differences in the tutorial: Moving from Mistika 8 to Mistika 10
Mistika effects
Title effect. Example: Text fade in/out animation using Autokey.
Comp3D effect. Creating effect layers.
** Warp. Creating Warps and Morphs
** Basic keying: Pick key. Luma key. Green screen / Blue Screen. Screen build. External Key. Difference key. Grow alpha. Shrink alpha. Show key Blur alpha. Alpha clear. Edge build. Stroke. Foreground blur.
FX basic techniques
Text shadows (Example: Using Comp3D & Title )
RGBA channels visualization mode (Wipe example).
Tracker. Stabilization example . Plus how to drag several parameters at the same time.
FX presets (Example with LUT3D)
Shapes: Populating trackers (automatic tracker). Explained at [40:28...42:20] in this video(Colorist Meetup April 23 2020)
** EXR object selection in CGI images.
Compositing and colour grading EXR multilayer images (full overview)
How to automatically import new VFX Versions
How to import and export ST-Maps
How to import and export ST Maps in Mistika Boutique?
VFX specialized technique examples
How to import and export ST Maps and work with them
** Give your 2D image a 3D look. Example using Comp3D displacement mapping
** Label substitution. Example combining stabilization, Comp3D, Shapes, and the Warp effect,
** Fixing chromatic aberration
** Importing 3D Tracking from Boujou
Frequency separation (Beauty technique). Example 1
** Frequency separation (Beauty technique). Example 2
AI Tools
Integration with Topaz Labs OFX plugins
Colour grading
Preliminar note: The colour grading interface has been redesigned in version 10, but some of the tutorials below were made with previous versions. Their content is still usefull as the functionality is very similar, but if you don't find a particular widget in the new layout you can find all the differences in the tutorial: Moving from Mistika 8 to Mistika 10
New colour grading interface (since Mistika version 10)
** Introduction to the ColorGrade node
** Masterclass: The Color Grade functions
Color grading specialised workflows
Printer lights / Printer steps
- Introduction at 33:00 in this video
- Example at 26:00 in this masterclass
LUT3D & Propagate example. (Applying a 3D LUTs and propagating it to other clips).
How to export LUT 3D with the results of a Color Grade or an effect stack in general
Macros->LoadRaw Parameters . Accessing camera metadata. (Example using r3dParams )
** Dynamic grade. (Example: day to night ).
** Mute vector. Mute Inside/Outside.
** Using LUTS inside the Color Grade effect
How to adapt interface colors to the lighting and display conditions
Tricks & Tips: How to speed up r3d workflows in the Parameters panel.
** 3D Keyer
** RGB Keyer
HDR / SDR workflows with dual output (without using Dolby Vision). Explained at [56:04...59:40] in this video (Colorist Meetup April 23 2020)
Dolby Vision
Dolby Vision workflows with Mistika (updated to Dolby Vision Version 4)
Note: This video is complemented with this document
[47:08] Comparisson with a reference snapshot, using Fx presets and Show Split. Find it at 47:08 in this masterclass
** Unicolour: Workflow example working with Arri footage
VR 180/360 in Mistika Boutique
For a good five minutes introduction check this video about virtual production (starting at 17:12)
Masterclass: The Essential Guide for Finishing Immersive Content
Masterclass: VR Stitching and Advanced Workflows
How to load a Mistika VR project in Mistika Boutique
Tripod removal. (Example using VectorPaint, and VR View effects).
VR180 with multi node stitching and grading using Mistika Boutique
How to enable direct preview on any VR Headset (Integration with DeoVR player)
Additional tutorials for stitching VR in Stereo3D. (these tutorials were made with Mistika VR product, but it works similar in Mistika Boutique):
Creation of Virtual Sets
Output and rendering
How to embed Color Metadata in renders
** DCP creation (Note: This tutorial is old, in modern versions the "Convert" node has been renamed as Unicolor )
Apendix A: What is new in latest upgrades
What is new in Mistika Ultima and Mistika Boutique 10.8
What is new in Mistika Ultima and Mistika Boutique 10.5
What is new in Mistika Ultima and Mistika Boutique 10.2
What is new in Mistika Ultima and Mistika Boutique 10.1
Moving from Mistika 8.11 to Mistika 10.0
What is new in Mistika Ultima & Mistika Boutique 10.0
What is new in Mistika Ultima & Mistika Boutique 8.11
What is new in Mistika Ultima & Mistika Boutique 8.10
What is new in Mistika Ultima & Mistika Boutique 8.8
Our special thanks to all the users who have published Mistika tutorials, please let us know if you want them to appear in here.