Mass import: Drag & drop the main folder containing all the media files and as many subfolders as needed, and the material will be organized automatically into clips. Also an import dialog will open where you can optionally specify the camera preset for your camera rig, and it will be applied automatically to each shot.
Multipart import: During mass import, incoming clips that were split into multiple parts (typically due to file size limits of the SSD cards) will be automatically placed as consecutive stacks (this works for most filenaming structures ). Then:
1) when importing the folder MistikaVR will ask for the "number of cameras". Set this value to the number of cameras in your camera rig. In that way, MistikaVR will know that each group of this number of files belong to a same shot and it will be able to distinguish different segments.
2) After the import of multi-segment shots, you can reassemble a shot by clicking on its first segment, then right-clicking on its last segment and use the "merge from selected" option. That will combine the multiple segments into one only clip.
Still-image panorama: When importing an enumerated sequence, the user can choose either if the images are a time sequence or if each file is a separate camera view.
Here it is a tutorial using the above tools: