Mistika VR projects can be loaded on Mistika Ultima (version 8.7 and later)  for advanced post production tasks that are not possible in Mistika VR, among others:

- Online editing

- Stereo3D advanced adjustments & Depth Grading

- VR multilayer compositing and CG integration 

- Animated VR shapes

- Motion Tracking  

- Color grading in VR space

- Client attended sessions, optionally with live streaming to VR helmets

- Conform tools for EDL, AAF, XML.

- Paint, Warp, Morph, Titling

- Finishing and VFX workflows.

- Faster than realtime rendering with Mistika Totem multiGPU technology

For integrated workflows, the  important aspect is to use versions of both products from similar dates.  The version build date is mentioned in the distributions of both products, and also in the About menu (Mistika VR) and status bar (in Mistika Ultima).  

Sending VR projects to Mistika Ultima:

1 - Bring the Mistika VR project to a Mistika Ultima system, and load the .vrenv file on it.  

2 - If necessary, use the Relink tool to find the media files in their new locations (see next point for a more automated workflow and automated path translations)

Alternatively, in Mistika VR you can use the VR->Render->AddToQueue to send rnd files to a Mistika Ultima. This can be used to render them with BatchManager, or to make the .rnd files availalble to be opened in Mistika Ultima. The AddToQueue integration is explained in this other document

Path translation:

All Mistika applications from version 8.8.6 and later support path translation between different systems, which works as follows: When a media file is not found (for example if it was located in a different path in the original system) then the Mistika application will ask the user for the new location. Once the user answer this for the first clip, Mistika will save this information in a configuration file and it will try to use it as a template for posterior cases appearing later. 

Then, the easiest way to configure a multi-platform environments using different paths on each system is to pass an example project to the others and answer the questions when loading it. Mistika will learn from those examples to solve future cases and it should not ask anymore.

If that is not enough, the FileBrowser->Relink tool permits to establish the new locations manually.

Integration trough the Mistika BatchManager:

In Mistika VR, the render panel provides an Add To Render Queue button.  Among other options, this tool permits to send .rnd render jobs to a Mistika BatchManager, which is the render manager that comes with Mistika Ultima.  You can use this tool in two ways:

- To  render your rnd jobs with Mistika Ultima renderfarm (or any  other supported render farms).

- When you finish a stitching job, you can send it in an rnd file to Mistika Ultima for additional conform and post processing tasks.  The workflow would be identical  to the previous case,  but just choosing  an inactive queue (no render done)

For more details check the document about Add To Render Queue


The .vrenv contain all the work that you have done in MistikaVR.  As the .vrenv are text files you can also do custom scripts easily in order  to automatise your workflows. The syntax is pretty obvious, although you can get more information in the  Mistika Ultima scripts syntax article.

Other resources:

- If you are  a Mistika Ultima user:  At the date of this document Mistika Ultima 8.7 (first version with VR support) is still beta.  Mistika Ultima betatesters should contact SGO support if they plan to use combined workflows to ensure that they use compatible versions.

- If you are a Mistika VR user:  If you want to receive Mistika Ultima services without purchasing it, you can ask in the SGO forums for  available Mistika Ultima facilities in your area.  Many Mistika Ultima facilities around the world are already offering advanced post-production services for Mistika VR files.