1 - Installation:

- Mistika 8.6 uses a new installer application, both for new installations and upgrades.

The installer is a .run file named like SGOMistika.VersionName.run,  but normally  it will come  inside a .tar package file.  Please extract it from  the .tar file, for example  by opening the .tar file with double click and then drag & drop the .run file into any folder you prefer. 

After extracting it,  double click on the .run file  and follow instructions.

Note: Do not double click in the .run file until you have extracted it to a separate folder, otherwise it will fail to start

NOTE: Most of the next points are intended for system administrators and advanced users.  A standard user should not need to study these details,but they can provide customisation capabilities and diagnostics. In any case, standard users that do not manage the sytem themselves can jump directly to point 8 of this document (The What-is-new feature list).

2 - New Licensing system and differences with previous versions.

Since 8.6, the license file and the license server are different than in previous versions, but they can perfectly coexist. In this way you can have have the old 8.5 version and the new ones running at the same time:

Old license file (only for v8.5): /var/flexlm/mistikaV5.dat

New license file (since v8.6 and later):  /var/flexlm/sgoLicenseV5.dat

Old license server (only for v8.5):  /usr/bin/mistikalicV5

New license server (since v8.6 and later):  

  - Launcher (what you execute to launch the license server):   /var/flexlm/bin/sgoLicenseServer   

  - Server (what is launched):  /var/flexlm/bin/sgoLicenseServer.bin

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MISTIKA 8.5 USERS:  The old  LMData codes from version 8.5 are not be valid for the new license server. If you were running 8.5 and you are installing  Mistika 8.6 version, please install 8.6 version and then get a new LMData code for it. Then please send it to [email protected].  Once the new LMData is registered, then you will receive the first license by email, and from that point you can also use all the other the licensing methods explained below.

The new licensing system adds new capabilities, now the licensing process should be faster and easier:

- It permits to have several different licenses in different lines of a unique license file (sgoLicenseV5.dat) , for example for licensing different products (Mistika, Mamba...) or different modules of a product,  and even with a different durations per license line.

- The new license server does not require any kind of restart action in order to detect new licenses (only when installing new software). Any change made to the license file will be detected immediately and be ready to use after less than 1 minute.

- The new license server permits to get licenses automatically. Any system existing in SGO database with the rights to use a certain product or module (new purchases, maintenance contracts, loans, demo systems...) will  obtain the license automatically,  without the need to wait for manual intervention.  If your system has already been registered and it has an internet connection the license file will be added  automatically to the license file, with no further action required to license it.

When  the system does not have internet connection, or when the system has not been registered yet, then you can get a license as follows:

- If the system was already registered in SGO database but it does not have internet connection, there are two ways to get the license:

1 You can get the LMData of the system that you want to license and bring it to any other system with internet connection.  Then use the SGOActivationTool in that system,  activating the "Import LMData from a remote host" button. The SGOActivationTool will get it online and it will show the new license, so you can then copy it and bring it to the other system.

2 In general, SGO will send new licenses by email automatically. This will be done for every registered system with rights to get new licenses, without waiting for a user request.  This apply to new versions,  renewal of temporal licenses, etc.  Please note that each system has an associated email address, so it is very important that the email address you use when registering your SGO account and other actions is correct  

- If the system has not been registered yet:  When a user obtain the rights to use an SGO product for the first time but he did not specify for which system, then he may receive an activation code rather than the license file.  This activation code is not assigned to any system yet. Instead, the user can use the SGOActivationTool to provide the activation code and to assign it to a particular system (which is identified by the LMData as usual).  

Also, as in the previous case, the system where you use the SGOActivation tool does not need to be the one that you are getting the license for. 

- Finally, for the particular case of Mistika (not for Mamba) the traditional method for obtaining Mistika licenses still exists. You can send an email to [email protected] explaining the company details and LMData and you will receive the license by email. However, this method requires manual checkings in the SGO headquarters during office hours, so it will experience significant delays in comparison with the other methods above.

Technical notes for system administrators on linux systems:

Note:  The license server is started at boot time by a system daemon.  If you need to stop / start it manually please remember that the launcher needs to be executed as root user or it will not work. 

For example, if you want to stop the license server you need to execute:


killall -9 sgoLicenseServer.bin

And to start it again:



3 - Main navigation differences (Conform)

Most of the software uses the same structure and navigation system as in previous versions. But the old Conform menu has disappeared.  Instead, it has been fully rebuilt into a new conform tool, more intuitive, easier to use and with more functionality. To access the new conform tool just load the AAF / XML / EDL file that you want to conform and it will appear. Also please check the new smart paste function, which makes reconform much easier.

4 - Configuration files - Differences in configuration files between 8.6  and previous versions

A big number of improvements in the organization and management of configuration files have been made for 8.6 and later versions:

In the old 8.5 version, the MISTIKA-ENV/shared folder had a partial subset of shareable settings, but it was certainly limited.  Since 8.6,  all the configuration files that users have requested to share between different versions, different users,  or different systems are located under a unique dedicated shared folder out of the software folder.  From this point the MISTIKA-ENV/shared path will be just a link pointing to the actual shared folder. 

By default, the shared folder  will be placed at  $HOME/MISTIKA-SHARED,  but the user can change it later in mConfig to any location on the network.  In addition, old shared locations (links) from 8.5 are also respected during upgrades, so it can be used both for 8.5 and later versions.

Note:  Most of the 8.5 setting files are converted during the upgrade process to the new locations and 8.6 configuration files,  but the changes in 8.6 version are huge and some settings could be missed.  Please check that everything is as you expected and otherwise please report missing settings.

Among other files, the shared folder will contain these folders:

presets (mConfig presets)






config (LinuxMistikaTools, DCP facilities, etc)





users  (This is a new folder with separate subfolders for each Mistika user, contaning hotkeys, persistent preferences, color panel preferences, interface layouts, etc.)

The users are  logged in,  created, deleted,  and managed in the new "Login" tool (the mConfig is not used to manage users anymore). The new Login panel is the first panel that will appear when opening Mistika.  In this way each user can keep  its own set of preferences.  And as they are stored under the shared folder they can be  shared between different versions and different systems.

Another change is the file containing the selected settings for next session:   in 8.5 they were stored in MISTIKA-ENV/.mistikarc,  but  in Mistika 8.6 they have been moved to a similar file with a different name:  MISTIKA-ENV/mistikarc.cfg

Please note that a same linux user account can support any number of Mistika users on it.  So it is not recommended to create multiple linux accounts (it is also possible, but then the maintenance and permissions issues can become unnecessarily complicated ). Multiple linux accounts should only be created to restrict permission access to certain files. For everything else (hotkeys, user preferences, etc), just create multiple Mistika users with the Mistika tool for this. 

NOTE: The hotkey system has totally changed to cover the whole software. Do not install old kotkey files in the new version or it will not work..

5 - AJA Driver upgrades and new SDI connector setup

Systems with AJA video boards will need a driver and firmware upgrade for the new  version. The mConfig will offer to install it automatically. The new driver and firmware are also compatible with 8.5.

As a difference to previous Mistika 8.5 version, the SDI connections for Aja boards have changed for HD/2K modes. This is in order to support new DUAL LINK 1.5G modes and psf formats that were missing in Mistika 8.5.


              For SD/HD and 2k (Corvid/KONA 4)

                Connector 1/A -> Output (3G or 1.5G)

                Connector 2/B -> Output (1.5G with  RGB Dual Link)

                Connector 3/C -> Input

                Connector 4/D -> Input  (1.5G with  RGB Dual Link)

              For SD/HD and 2k in STEREO 3D DUAL  (Corvid/KONA 4)     

                Connector 1/A -> Output (Left eye)

                Connector 2/B -> Output (Right eye)

                Connector 3/C -> Input  (Left eye)

                Connector 4/D -> Input  (Right eye)

        As a difference, in Mistika 8.5 the configuration was this one:

              For SD/HD and 2k in STEREO 3D DUAL (Corvid/KONA 4)

                Connector 1/A -> Output

                Connector 2/B -> Input

              For SD and 2k in STEREO 3D DUAL (Corvid/KONA 4):

                Connector 1/A -> Output (Left eye)

                Connector 2/B -> Input  (Left eye)

                Connector 3/C -> Output (Right eye)

                Connector 4/D -> Input  (Right eye)

  Note: DVS connections have not changed, only Aja boards.

  6 - Operating system support and system installation

- Mistika 8.6 will be supported in the following operating systems:

* Suse11sp3 (both Mistika 8.5 and Mistika 8.6 can coexist on it)

* CentOS 7.2  (Only Mistika 8.6 and later will work on it, Mistika 8.5 can not work on CentOS 7.2 )

- Specifically, please note that Mistika 8.6 does not work on 
Suse11sp2. Users with this operating system will need to upgrade to either Suse11sp3 or CentOS 7.2


Stornext 4.xxx versions (the ones used on Suse11)  do not work on CentOS 7.2.  Users who want to upgrade from Suse11 to  CentOS 7.2 with Stornext will need to upgrade to Stornext 5.3.2, which is a third party product and it is not a free upgrade. Do not try the upgrade until having a Stornext 5.3.2 license, as this process is not reversible,  as the filesystems will need to be converted to Stornext5 (SN5) metadata during the upgrade and this is not reversible.

NOTE: As in the case of Suse11, CentOS 7.2  will need to be installed with the Mistika installation iso. Custom installations not using the official Mistika iso will not be supported (they would require a huge amount of additional packages and customisation that is not documented anywhere ).

NOTE: Never reinstall a system in the same boot disk until having a backup of all the files and licenses that you may need in the new OS. If you are not sure please contact support. When possible use a different partition for the new OS (or a different hard disk), so you can go back if something goes wrong


As a result of the previous note, if you use Stornext  you can only use dual boot Suse11 & CentOS 7.2  if there is a dedicated MDC already running SN5 (which can provide filesystems server services to both to Suse11 and CentOS 7.2 clients). On contrary, a standalone Mistika system (which is both the server and the client) can not use this kind of dual boot, because Suse11 will refuse to run as an SN5 server, and it will not be able to mount the disk array once that it has been updated to SN5.

Please note that SN5 upgrade is not free of cost. Suse11sp3 users using Stornext filesystems should never install CentOS 7.2 until having the SN5 license, otherwise it will not work.

ISO Installation

If you need to install or reinstall the operating system, please contact support to get the latest iso.

Once you download the iso, you can burn it in a DVD (it must be a double side DVD because of the size ) or in a pen drive (recommended).

To install it in a pen drive, download the iso to the Mistika system and execute this:

dd if=Path_To_ISO_file of=/dev/sdX

Where sdX is the device assigned to the pendrive. If you are not sure execute this:


tail -f /var/log/messages

Now plug the pendrive, the assigned device will appear somwhere in the console output.  You have to use the device id without any partition number ( for example  /dev/sdc, not /dev/sdc1 )

Please only continue if you are sure about the pendrive device, otherwise please contact support.  This step is critical because choosing the wrong device you can destroy all data in your system disks or in the disk array.

For example, if you have downloaded a CentOS iso named CENTOLLO_237.iso   and the pendrive has been assigned /dev/sdc, you have to execute something like this :

dd  if=CENTOLLO_237.iso  of=/dev/sdc

It will take several minutes. Then, boot with the pendrive and follow instructions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Always disconnect all the storage devices before installing the operating system. otherwise they will at high risk during the OS installation (mainly because the installer may want to use them as destination targets by default ).

BIOS settings for z840 worksations:

- Check that  Hyperthreading is activated, Mistika will take advantage of it.

- Check that energy saving options are disabled

- If your storage is an internal disk array, use the BIOS thermal settings to force fan speed to high levels (at least more than half)

7 - Supported hardware: 

Supported hardware for pre-existing installations

All Mistika systems that were provided by SGO and are still under maintenance contracts are supported for Mistika 8.6 usage.  This also include color panels (both Precision and Tangent ),  SGO storage appliances and HBAs,  video boards (DVS Atomix and AJA), and Wacom tablets, with the only condition  that they where the exact models provided by SGO.

Important note for systems with old NVidia boards:  

Mistika 8.6 and later require NVidia driver 340.101 or later (the minimum driver version depends on each GPU model, check NVidia website for more details). Previous versions could still be working with older drivers than 340, so if your system is old this is the first point to check if an upgrade from 8.5 fails to start mistika.  To upgrade the driver please follow the knowledge base article about NVidia driver installation

Supported hardware for new installations:

- Workstation:  HP Z840.  64GB RAM or more are recommended.  2 x Xeon E5 2687W.v4 are recommended for maximum performance.

- GPU: NVidia Quadro boards:

* NVidia Quadro P6000 is recommended.

* A Quadro M4000 can be used as a second GPU, as It only needs one slot. We do not recommend double slot boards for secondary GPUs because PCIe slots are needed for other purposes ( in general, 2 or more double slot GPUs are possible but they should only be installed on dedicated render nodes. Please contact support before doing it )

Newer NVdia boards may appear after the date of this document. If you decide to install them please always install the latest NVidia driver available for them. A common mistake is to add a new GPU and forget to install its driver (because the system seems to boot normally, while only the old primary GPU will be working)

- Video boards:  


* Aja KONA 4  (Up to 2K stereo3D,  4K,  and UHD 60p).  

* Aja Corvid board  ( Up to 4K Stereo3D 60p ). 

* Aja dual Corvid  (Up to 8K 60p)

Note: For the special cases of  8K 60p and 4K 120p Stereo3D please contact support.  These video formats are already possible. But you will need early access to additional  software and additional specialised hardware for the storage unit and video output

- Two GUI monitors (All HP 24" 1920x1200 models are supported)

- Optional peripherals:

* Wacom Intuos 

* Tangent Element colour grading panels (1 Trackballs panel, 1 Knobs panel,  1 Transport panel, 3 Button panels )

* "Precision" colour grading panels

- Storage:

It depends on the realtime needs and number of systems. Different solutions   may work,  but SGO  only grants realtime performance and support services for Mistika Storage units direcly provided by SGO  (Mistika-SAN, Mistika-NAS, and Mistika-DAS). 

8 - Mistika 8.6 - What is new

New User login system and shareable settings: When starting Mistika a login window will appear. It looks like a login system but specialised on Mistika. Now each Misitka user can have and customize different shortcuts/hotkeys, and the state of the interface buttons (the ones with persistence between sessions) are saved separately for each user.

All these settings can be easily  shared between different versions and different systems, because they are stored under a unique users folder (MISTIKA-SHARED/users) independent of the software folder, and also thanks to the new tools to manage them.

This not only apply to different users but also to different systems in a SAN or in a network, as all settings that make sense to share between systems have also been moved to the common shared folder (named MISTIKA-SHARED by default) out of the software folder and designed to be shareable. Including mConfig Presets, virtual slate, LUTs, GLSL, ACES files, display filters, render targets, render presets, etc.

New Conform tool: the new conform tool is  more intelligent than the old conform panel. Now you can just conform an edl/aaf/xml, with just drag and drop the file in the timeline. Mistika will detect atomatically the format of the conform file and all the options related (for example for AAF, multicamera, unsopported FXs, etc). And now you can even conform several EDL/XML/AAF files at once.  

Note: Please note that the old comform panel has disappeared, as now the edl/aaf/xml can be directly loaded and will trigger the neccesary dialogs 

New import policy: Now you can import an entire folder or several files (with different formats, etc),  just doing drag and drop to the timeline. This is similar to the new Conform panel, the system is smart enough to detect everything by itself. Not only that, now you can select if you want to import something in your project folder, or also load it in your current timeline. 

Match Paste: one of the most important features. Basically it allows you to adapt all the corrections done for a version of a movie or commercial or whatever , and paste in another versión of the same movie, commercial, etc. So imagine this situation: you have a 60 sec commercial, you have finished it and then you have to do the 30 sec and the 15 sec versions.

These versions always change in the editing, so basically you would need to redo everything for each version. Well, with this feature you just copy from one version to another, and automatically the system adapts all your work in the rest of the versions.

New keyer: It is probably the biggest feature of this version, and it includes three in one: A more organized keyer panel for Color Grade, an RGB Keyer to select something using the primary colors, and a 3D Keyer wich allows you to select something by "painting" on the screen. It’s much more interactive, much more flexible, and much more powerful, because both keyers work together with the traditional HSL keyer, so the user can combine the three of them to make selections in the color Grade.

4th Ball and Pivots: 8.6 includes a 4Th ball in Primaries, fully mapped in the Precision Panel and the Tangent Elements. It allows you to control to make an interactive and custom softclip in SDR (standart dynamic range mode), or superwhites or highlights in HDR. In fact, we have two color Grades now, one for SDR and one for HDR, in which you can set and customize your black and White points, to adapt the Color Grade to the HDR curve that you are using. This is pretty interesting, because is not the same to work with a PQ gamma curve or an HLG curve; both are HDR curves, but the white point is quite different because they use different standarts.

Improved Assigments for colour panels: The behaviour of Precision panels, Tangent CP200 and Tnagent Elements has been revised and updated.

Improved support for AJA video boards. More video modes are supported now in AJA boards, including 4K Stereo3D 60p output and 8K. Also, dual SDI 1.5Gb modes and psf modes are also possible with Aja

UHD 8K realtime output:  Optional feature based on Dual Corvid and other advanced hardware. Provides 8K uncompressed with 16 HD-SDI outputs. 

It is mainly for UHD 8K, but Mistika effects permit to compose or route images for other custom uses of the 16 HD-SDI output channels.

Improvements in realtime speed  specially with high resolution formats. 

Improved Visual Editor smart-cache for additional performance while doing adjustments

New gamma curves supported for Unicolor (specially all the curves for HDR). Also renamed for better description.

Post saturation control in Colour Grade

Render by selection / render by blocks. New render modes (avalable as new Render-by-segments modes). To render non consecutive sections that are selected and other combinations bassed on timeline content

Add blur type to Color layers

Customizable color curve pivot points

Initial support for contextual menus (more to come in future versions)

New Hotkey placeholders. Almost all Mistika functions can receive a hotkey now (They are editable in the USers login tool).

Improved mappings for hotkeys 

Time  editor: Tab and Shift+tab can be used to navigate next / previous field.

Autofit option in File Browser

Ability to reload GLSL scripts

New variables in GLSL effect: Relative frame number and Total Frames.

Support for the latest Red sdk, RED GPU debayer and latest RED Weapon/ Helios cameras

Support new Sony codec for XAVC render  (optional feature. Existing licenses with XAVC codec will also receive it )

Support for Sony XOCN ST and XOCN LT camera raw formats. These formats are adjusted with SonyParams settings as usual. The difference with Sony raw is that these new variants have compression.

Max Checker luma:  To limit missing media brigthness (specially usefull for HDR monitors.(Available in mConfig->Interface section )

mConfig improvements: Support for automatic driver installation (AJA driver and firmware, Tangent, Precision..). Wacom autoconfiguration. MultiGPU autoconfiguration. Also provides disk full prevention (reserved space liberated at boot time). New  Interface->Limit GUI resolution tool. Hostname management with propapagation to the render farm. Other general improvements. 

New automatic licensing: For systems under maintenance subscriptions, Mistika will get licenses for new versions automatically (if the system has internet connection. Licenses are also sent by email in advance, to cover for the other cases ). And the new lincesing system permits to have multiple licenses with different expiration times in the same file (to simplify the constant license management for module loans / rental).

Support for the new linux operating system CentOS 7.2  while also maintining support for Suse11sp3 for existing systems. The new OS provides access to newer hardware options and more modern behaviour. 

Support for new hardware:  Support for z840  with new Xeon V4 processors. Support new Mistika-DAS storage. Support Mistika-NAS with 40gb Ethernet. Support NVIDIA Quadro P6000.

Added option to control the brightness of missing media chequerboards in mConfig->Interface panel. (recommended for HDR monitors)

Most known bugs have been fixed. 

Change log (small changes after 8.6.1 release)

Mistika 8.6.2:

  • Significant speed optimizations for R3D decoding (SDK auto-adjusted for the available hardware) 

  • Fixed bug: In some cases the new Tangent driver was not correctly installed. Fixed

  • Fixed bug:  Colour panels disconnection after a while. Fixed

  • Fixed bug: Totem function was not working. Fixed

  • Fixed bug:  Video capture problem. Fixed

  • Fixed bug: Wrong navigation through frames in Vector Paint. Fixed

  • Fixed bug: AAF and XML issues with negative start. Fixed

  • Fixed bug: XAVC render error in UHD (“Unsupported format” error). Fixed

Mistika 8.6.3:

  • NEW: Faster r3d decoding (optimised specifically for each system through  mConfig->Codecs->Autoadjust_R3d_performance

  • NEW: Improved Tangent panels mapping (both Element and CP200)

  • NEW: Added support to choose between CDL nodes or ColorGrade nodes when conforming CDLs.

  • NEW: Now when the linux root password is still the default (mistika),  mConfig will only ask for it one time during upgrades, and for later sessions it will be used automatically if necessary. (meanwhile, If the root password is changed it will always ask for it).

  • NEW: Increased jog sensibility in the Jog control for Tangent devices

  • FIXED BUG: Fixed problems with VNC function on Totem/BatchMgr nodes management. Added support for CentOS.

  • FIXED BUG: Refresh issues on Tangent devices. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Wrong format identifier inserted by Sony XAVC encoder. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: ColorGrade: Accuracy issues on CCC import / export for Saturation values. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Refresh problem using Show Snap with color panels. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Wrong fps when rendering to DNxHD formats. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG:  XAVC problems on interlaced render. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG. mConfig problems with Mistika Insight learning version. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: The ".rnd with media" function was not including media clips that were not used in the stack evaluation. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG:  TC issues on AAF conforming. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG: Shape switching problem with Precision panel Prev/Next buttons. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: License server can fail to start properly at boot if the network service take too long to start. Improved.  (known cases are fixed, but please report if you find more cases). If it happens, a workaround is to execute this:  


killall -9 sgoLicenseServer.bin


Note: It may take up to 30sg to initialise, then mistika should work.

Mistika 8.6.4:

NOTE: Since Mistika 8.6.4, all the traditional Mistika configurations (Air / Post / Optima / Ultima) are all named as Mistika Ultima now.  From this point their performance differences are kept as optional features of a unique product “Mistika Ultima”.  This has been done to differentiate the products sharing the high end interface from other product branches (Mistika VR ...) which are also derived from Mistika but using very specialised (and limited) interfaces.

  • CHANGE REQUEST 1195: By default, when entering the keyer for first time, all picker modes are off. As long as they stay off, any mouse actions will go to the Shape. Then, choosing any of the picker modes, or using the overrides (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT), the color picking will take preference over manipulating the shape.  This avoid changing keyer color parameters inadvertently. Done.

  • CHANGE REQUEST: Improvements to license server: Automatic restart of the license server when it dies. Avoid the need of a reboot after upgrades when it is possible. Done.


  • FIXED BUG 1136: Source Monitor overlapping the active Tab. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1121: Wrong metadata on Canon tape name field. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1232:  "Filter Source Clips: Use All clips but JS clips” not working. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1250: Composer:Grade:window:Size:Y and Composer:window:Move:Y not working with Precision panel. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG  1219: Can not switch shapes with Precision panel Joystick. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG  1265: mTransfer fail to copy still images when using .env as the copy filter. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG  1125: SaveUs not proposing the logical default folder.  Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG 1220:  Mistika is not warning about FPS change when changing the project to one that was using a different default FPS. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1216: In UHD modes, the video output may show artifacts while dragging on an effect. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1209: Unable to delete .lnk files through the Mistika Browser. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1253: Totem not working due to missing totem.bin file. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1176: Edit->Setup->SyncEditorToTimeline fails after reselecting a clip (it only works first time). Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1170: After a Mistika update or creating a new Mistika user, the first time you open the Scopes, the placement is wrong. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1178:  If you create the Script using burn-in TC and filename, the render starts but the shell shows a FATAL ERROR. Fixed 

  • FIXED BUG 1191: Some pop ups in Mistika goes below Mistika if you cilck outside them.

  • FIXED BUG 1267:  “New timeline” button reverts the timeline track size to default before closing the current Timeline. Fixed 

  • FIXED BUG 1168: The first time you import a Lut or GLSL the path is pointing toMISTIKA-ENV/etc rather than MISTIKA-ENV/shared/3DLUTS. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1230: Shape animation with no shape selected may affect all shapes . Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1237: Using the Tangent Element panels there is a refresh problem while maximizing the FxPreset window. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1251: when the [project] variable is used in the render path, it is not taken into account when the render node has a Project Directory different than the one in the machine that generated the .rnd file. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1276: Movies from ZCam S1 do contain unusual YUV video in FULL range yet mistika assumes always DATA range for YUV movies. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1268:  Problem to conform XML files containing Timewarps from Premiere. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1212:  There is a situation that can produce double clips after rendering. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1162: EXR files that have no alpha channel are imported to Mistika with alpha set to 0.0 (rather than assigning a solid alpha 1.0 as others). A collateral problem is that using 16bit files in a  comp3D , the image can appear apparently black (bug 1279). Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1201: Fail to add a curve point or set cursor of any curve (RGB, LLSSLS, Hue-Hue, Hue-Sat, Hue-Luma) by using Alt + click as usual. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1173: Link single image only may fail to set the proper name with some number combinations:  Example: name 20160320 used rather than  the complete 20160320.0140.png. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1192: Refresh problem with effect range after using node graph. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1254: render tapename taken from the bottom most clip (rather than upper), even when it is not part of the effect stack. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1264: Some lOFX plugins failed to appear or not all levels. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1197: The render->video setup panel goes behind the interface if you click outside this window, losing  access to it. Fixed. 

  • FIXED BUG:  Color Panel mappings are not forced to update to latest version during Mistika upgrades. Improved. (While waiting for new User panel management tools, now the default user MistikaUser is forced to upgrade to latest mappings, while custom users are let to user decision.).

  • FIXED BUG: Playback cache may fail to render when a render node is set to a different video format in mConfig. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1290:Problem rendering XAVC in VBR and CBG codec.Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1277: ColorGrade keyer selection by mouse drag producing too many Undo events. Also, 3DKey did not produce any events at all. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1233 : Mistika failing to warn about wrong mConfig settings. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG 1281: Layer group name stopped working in 8.6 versions. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1284: Conforming AAFs  from Premiere Pro. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG 995: Crop issues for Mistika Arri debayer. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG : Capturing Free without remote cable can fail. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG : Fixed random crash when doing a playback after dragging in the Timeline. Fixed.

  • CHANGE REQUEST: To permit longer names for render node names (bach & totem clients window). Done

  • FIXED BUG: BatchManagerGUI->ManageRenderQueues may fail when requested to clear all queue content. Fixed.  

  • FIXED BUG: Random crash of the license server in some types of configurations. Fixed

Mistika 8.6.6:

  • CHANGE REQUEST: The user can decide which part of the media path can be used to create the clipName / .lnk name on import.  (This capability was lost in the new Browser and it has been recovered).

  • CHANGE REQUEST: New mConfig with scroll bar preset list, longer render node names supported and other minor improvements.

  • FIXED BUG: PlayCache render failures when rendered in BatchManager mode if they contain .dat files (Paint,Morph, Title). Fixed

Mistika 8.6.7  

  • NEW FEATURE: New options in the output interface to select the source clip to be used for output TC and output TapeName. 

  • CHANGE REQUEST: Improvements in the Conform Interface to make it simpler and more intuitive.

  • FIXED BUG: 1333: Set interlaced flag when importing movies from media browser.  Fixed

  • FIXED BUG:1190  Shape  masks lost in some cases after saving env and loading it again. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1323: Fixed crash in node graph when deleting a video clip and the remaining clips in timeline are audio only. Fixed 

  • FIXED BUG:. Bug detecting two monitors when Mistika is starting. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Upgrade process may crash on some configurations. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG:: Failure to activate multiGPU properly in some cases. Fixed.

Mistika 8.6.8

  • CHANGE REQUEST:  When importing media in previous 8.6 versions, the proposed name for the folder containing the .LNKs was always the last folder name of the media path. Now you can choose the rule to build this name from a pull down menu under Edit->Setup , with options to decide how many folders from the path are used. You can select “the last one”, “all folders”, or any number of them.

  • FIXED BUG 995:  Arri debayer problems. Fixed.

  • FIXED BUG 1327:. Blur blending mode of the ColorGrade node creating artifacts. Fixed. 

  • FIXED BUG 1351:  Reading R3D clips with missing segments was not possible with the new R3D SDK. It has been Implemented..

  • FIXED BUG 1664.  Unable to associate a display filter to a mConfig preset. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Problems with Play(Forward/Backward) from color panels. Fixed 

  • FIXED BUG: Software installation failing to detect multiGPU properly in some configurations, preventing the system to boot in graphics mode. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Several Render farm configuration issues. Fixed

Mistika 8.6.9

  • CHANGE REQUEST: ColorGrade KeyIn/KeyOut modified: Adds points only at the visible elements (Primary/Bands/Key etc). 
  • CHANGE REQUEST: ColorGrade "Proportional" now shows a green dot when active to make it more obvious that it is a key by itself
  • CHANGE REQUEST: Users have reported audio sync problems caused by this situation: A Pipe Units value higher than the frame rate does not make sense, and it can cause audio sync problems ( audio is processed after the video). Now mConfig will reduce pipe units automatically if a lower frame rate is selected in the video settings.
  • CHANGE REQUEST: Newer jpeg2000 libraries have been included, with provides important render speed increase. (up to 50% faster)
  • FIXED BUG: Falure to output audio at 8K with two Corvid. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1230: Keyframing problems when working with multiple shapes. Fixed 

  • FIXED BUG 1415: Render output with wrong frame rate metadata in some formats. Fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1460: Mistika Ultima - A key selection with 3D Keyer cannot be copied in other shot. Fixed.
  • FIXED BUG 1487: Using Keyer tool when tryng to select a value over 1.0: fixed

  • FIXED BUG 1504 & 1160: Some bugs related with ColorGrade HLS ranges fixed

  • FIXED BUG: Failure to output audio at 8K with two Corvid. Fixed
  • FIXED BUG: ColorGrade selector did not work when picking directly on an RGB10 clip. Fixed.

Note: In some cases, versions at release candidate stage may also be included above, even if  not published yet.  If you don't see it in the Downloads section of your web account  and you can not wait for it then please ask support for anticipated access..

Enjoy Mistika