NOTE: This is only about the basic command line renderer. The integration with external render farms is described in this other document

Whenever you use the render function in Mistika VR,   a render job is saved into a text file (with  .rnd extension ), in the DATA\RENDER\RenderName folder of your project. 

These render jobs can also be rendered with the  "vr -r" command line.

There are two ways to produce the rnd files:

-  The obvious method is to press Cancel as soon as the progress bar has appeared. The render will be stopped, but the rnd files will be already created for later use. 

-  A more advanced method is to use the Add to render queue button, which will also permits to send the rnd files to external render farms or user scripts. 

Command line syntax:


    "C:\>Program Files\SGO Apps\Mistika VR\bin\vr"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 


    "/Applications/SGO Apps/Mistika"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 



    "$HOME/SGO Apps/Mistika VR/bin/vr"  -r  Path_To_Rnd_File  [ -s start_frame ]  [ -e end_frame 

The following is a real render example on Windows, with all the  necessary paths in place:

 "C:\>Program Files\SGO Apps\Mistika VR\bin\vr" -r C:\MyProjects\MyProject\DATA\RENDER\testrender\testrender_0000.rnd -s 200 -e 300

Note: Parameters -s and -e define the start and end frames and they are optional (the whole clip is rendered if not included). But they are only available when rendering to enumerated sequence formats  (dpx, tiff, jpg, ..).  This is because movie formats (.mov, .avi.) can not be rendered by parts, only as a whole. Also, those parameters must belong to the frame range that is covered by the rendered segment, which is normally defined by the In and Out marks that are set in the timeline. For example, if you set the In and Out marks from 100 to 200 you can not pass a start frame less than 100 or greater than 200 to the command line.

In another example, you can put many of those command lines in a .windows .bat  script for batch processing, (or an OSX shell script for Macs),  and then execute the script over the night to render all jobs one after the other. 

For more advanced usage, please read the said document about Integration with external render farms