This document provides customized instructions for the installation and configuration of Rocky 9.3 operating system and additional modules as recommended for using Mistika products on linux. 

Important note for Mistika Ultima users planning to upgrade from CentOS systems to Rocky Linux:  At the date of this document Rocky linux 9.3 is NOT compatible with Stornext cvfs/snfs  storage. Do not upgrade to Rocky linux if you need to connect to pre-existing storage servers based on that software. Please contact SGO support in case of doubts.

Note: This document does not cover the Mistika installation itself, but everything that is recommended to do before that step.

As a difference to CentOS there is no Rocky Linux installation iso specific for Mistika. Instead, you need to download the official Rocky Linux 9.3-KDE  iso from the official Rocky website and create an installation pen drive with it.

At the date of this document, the official iso was here:

Note:  Rocky "point" releases are often moved out of the downloads section to the "vault", so if the link does not work another place to look for it could be here:

Other posterior or earlier iso images could work or not with Mistika, but at the moment of this document the only tested version of Rocky linux for Mistika products is Rocky 9.3-KDE (so currently that it is the only one supported by SGO).

Note: This document also covers the installation of the most common components typically used on post production "Workstations" in general, even if most of those components are not strictily required for Mistika software. So in addition to hard requirements (NVIDIA driver, python, sudoers) it will also cover the installation of nfs, samba, ssh, vnc, audacity, gimp, remote desktop applications, etc.

Rocky Linux Installation: 

If you see a blank screen during the installation (it depends on the hardware and GPU models) you may need to add nomodeset at the end o the linux line of the grub (also after the installation).

During the installation make sure to select the language and time zone where the system will be used. Specially because selecting the wrong  language can be difficult to change later, as some folders like "Downloads", "Desktop", etc will not have those names but their regional translated names ...

Boot with the iso, then execute the Install to hard disk icon. Install it to your preferred drive. During the installation, select the option to create a new user, and for example name it "mistika" (Mistika applications can not run as root).

Everything else can be left by default (or as you wish). 

Once the iso is installed we recommend to execute the next actions (most of the commands below need to be executed as root user, but not all. If you are not sure about how to do that then please contat your system administrator):

Switch the login type to KDE X11 / Plasma

In the login screen, some Rocky distros come with a setting to chose the login type (in the bottom left corner of the login screen ). Choose Plasma / X11

How to fix the "kde connect" error (only needed if you see an error like that):

rpm -e kdeconnectd kde-connect-libs kde-connect

Mistika user autologin

If you want rocky to autologin to the mistika user desktop, you can edit the file /etc/sddm.conf and make sure the next lines are uncommented:




Permit ssh access:

systemctl enable sshd

systemctl start sshd 

Network stability

By default, during boot time autoconfiguration Rocky linux will assign interface names to mac addresses.  In general they should stay the same between power cycles, but in some hardware configurations we have experienced that this assignment may change after system restarts (thus swapping the interface names and ip addresses given to each mac address).

If that happens to you, an easy way to solve it is in the Network Manager GUI, on each network interface just put the mac address in the field provided for it (rather than leaving it empty). In that way you will make sure that each specific mac address gets exactly the ip address that you want.

Install VNC server (optional)

This is only required if you want to connect to your system remotely via VNC:

yum install x11vnc

To permit connections, enable the firewall port used  by x11vnc:

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=5900/tcp

firewall-cmd --reload

Then, you need to set a password with the command:

x11vnc -storepasswd

And launch the vnc server. For example, login as mistika and execute this:

x11vnc --forever -display :0

Or for a more ellaborated example:


x11vnc -rfbauth /home/mistika/.vnc/passwd -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -shared -o /home/mistika/x11vnc.log -display :0 

Make mistika user a sudoer (this is required before installing any Mistika products):

Add this line to /etc/sudoers file

mistika ALL=(ALL)       ALL

Install NVIDIA driver:

First we need the compiler and the kernel sources:

dnf install gcc

dnf install kernel-*

Now blacklist the nouveau driver:

Create the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf file and add the following information to the file:

blacklist nouveau

options nouveau modeset=0

Re-generate initramfs.

sudo dracut --force


Download and install the current nvidia driver for your GPU, for example:

cd /tmp/


chmod +x

Login in text only mode (for example  press ctrl+alt+f2,  or similar )

init 3  (to stop X server)

rmmod nouveau (in case it is loaded)

If that is not enough for going into text only mode it can be that you logged in using Wayland, in that case logout and make sure to select the Xorg login type, then login and repeat the step above.

Execute the nvidia installer a first time:


If asked, accept to modify the xconfig file

If asked, accept to blacklist the nouveau driver, and then accept to create initramfs


After the reboot, if you were asked to re-create the initramfs then install the nvidia driver a second time:

cd to_your_nvidia_driver_location



Check that nvidia-smi and nvidia-settings are working

nvidia-smi (it should output your GPU model)

Additional steps BEFORE installing any mistika applications:

To make the license server to work you need to disable selinux, by changing the SELINUX variable in the /etc/selinux/config to disabled:


For more information about managing SELINUX you can consult this link

Install libGLU:

dnf install libGLU

And you also need to Install additional packages:

yum -y install xterm

yum -y install g++

yum -y install xfsprogs-devel

yum -y install libxslt-devel

yum -y install openssl-devel

yum -y install glib2-devel

yum -y install lbzip2.x86_64

yum -y install grsync

yum -y install ksysguard

yum -y install xcb-util-devel.x86_64

yum -y install glew-devel.x86_64

yum -y install python

yum -y install python-devel

yum -y install gimp

yum -y install audacity

Link the bz12 library:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

KDE adjustments recommended for Mistika

 Deactivate screen saver and sleep mode, as they can interfere with render proceseses:

Settings -> System settings -> Power Management -> Energy Saving:

Suspend = OFF

Screen Energy saving = OFF (and configure your energy saving preferences directly in your monitor)

Activate Linux bar (contextual menu) -> Enter Edit mode -> more Options -> Auto Hide = ON

Deactivate Settings -> System settings -> Workspace Behaviour -> Screen Locking - > Lock screen automatically = OFF

Install Python version required for Mistika (BEFORE installing Mistika Workflows):

Just execute the script attached to this document (as mistika user, not root), before installing Mistika Workflows:

chmod 777  


For more details about what does this script do you can visit this other document.

Install samba, nfs, and ntfs filesystem:

dnf install ntfs* nfs* samba*

Rocky 9.3 comes with a Firewalll activated by default, which will prevent the network servers such as nfs and samba  to work until opening the corresponding ports.  The trivial way to solve this is to deactivate the firewall (thus making the system unsecure...)


systemctl stop firewalld

systemctl disable firewalld

For more fine control and more security, google how to do adjust security for your particular use case ...

Install Mistika Ultima (optional)

Download and install the latest version of Mistika Ultima. It should be not earlier than 23 July 2024, previous versions were known to have problems on Rocky linux.

 After installing, open mConfig and:

- change the hostname to a meaningful name, with no dots (".") in the middle (as they are not compatible with BatchManager)

- Change the File Paths -> Projects, Media, and shared paths to match your storage 

- Activate BatchManager->UseBatchManager

- Activate BatchManager->Start BatchManager at boot time

- If you plan to configure a collaborative environment, make sure the BatchManager queues folder is in a shared storage, and also the shared folder, projects path and media path.

Install Mistika Workflows

Reminder: Before installing Workflows  the attached script (python installation) needs to be executed  (this is just a reminder, it was already asked in a previous point...).

Install Mistika Workflows, open it and go to the script editor panel. There must be no errors (messages in red color) in there. Otherwise something went wrong (ask for support ...)

Install remote desktop applications (optional, if you need to work from home...):


Explained here:

History of an example installation:

dnf update -y
dnf install
dnf config-manager --add-repo$(uname -i)
dnf module install nvidia-driver:latest-dkms
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/AnyDesk-CentOS.repo << "EOF"
name=AnyDesk CentOS - stable
yum update
dnf makecache
dnf install -y redhat-lsb-core
yum install ncurses-compat-libs
dnf install anydesk


In order to install teamviewer, you need to install the minizip1.2 package first, as it is a dependence, you can do it with yum:

yum install minizip1.2

Then, download the latest version of teamviewer for x86_64, for example from the next link:

And finally, install with rpm:

rpm -i teamviewer_XXX.rpm

You can run it from a shell, of from the graphical "internet" menu.